2020年9月25日 郭志华教授 线上学术报告
上传时间:2020-09-22 作者: 浏览次数:539

报告题目: Creating quantum correlation from coherence via incoherent operations

报告人:郭志华 副教授


Quantum coherence and quantum correlation are two fundamental resources in quantum information and computation. Quantum correlated states in a bipartite system are the same as the states that are coherent with respect to any separable basis, while a coherent state with respect to some given separable basis may not be quantum correlated. In this work, we focus on  the question of creating quantum correlation from a coherent state  via incoherent quantum operations. We first provide characterizations of incoherent operations, maximally incoherent operations, genuinely incoherent operations and coherence-breaking operations, respectively, and then explicit interrelations among these operations. Moreover, we give the specific forms of states, called super-coherent onesthat can be changed as quantum correlated ones via some genuinely incoherent operation in two-qubit systems. We find that there exist some coherent states that are not super-coherent. Furthermore, we prove that a state can be transformed as a quantum correlated state via an incoherent operation if and only if it is coherent. Lastly, we prove that any maximally entangled state can be changed as an incoherent one via a one-side coherence-breaking operation.






报告地点:腾讯会议ID444 969 698 (密码:41346)




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